And the princess said to her suitor:
She said:
Shock me. Overwhelm me. Make me believe.
Shock me. Overwhelm me. Make me believe.
If you do this then gratefully will I submit myself to love.
And the Psychiatrist said:
This patient is in a state of mourning for parental love lost at an early stage. She gains a sense of self-esteem by attaching herself to abusive figures whom she imagines to be strong, from whom she craves acceptance, and by whom she needs to feel herself supported. Such patients, though often charming, tend to a protective shallowness in emotional relations or they seek meaning in injury. Life itself frequently seems not worth living.
And the Suitor said to the Princess:
He said:
Resist me. Scorn me. Put me through hell.
Resist me. Scorn me. Put me through hell.
If you do this, then gratefully will I submit myself to love.
And the Psychiatrist said:
This patient lacks the capacity to mourn because of his rage against lost love objects especially his parents. Sexually promiscuous, hungry for emotion, ravenous for admiration, but contemptuous of those who provide it, he avoids involvement. Sadistic elements predominate in the super ego of these patients and they complain of inner emptiness while entertaining fantasies of omnipotence and a strong belief in their right to exploit others.
The Princess and her Suitor fell passionately in love,
and did as much damage to themselves as they could.
And if they are not dead, they're still at it.